What is this gadget?

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Have you ever felt like everything you've ever known has been wiped away and all the things you thought you knew because of science or facts has been ripped from your grasp? Maybe not. But that's what God did to me. I thought being a Christian meant avoiding cursing, and bad things, and going to church. But then I was changed.
I acquired the fire. When I went to Acquire The Fire, I met God. I met Him as much as anyone on earth can. I stood in His presence and felt him wipe away my fears, my worries. He is so powerful, so great, that I could not stand on my feet. He is so incredible.
When you stand in the presence of Him with hundreds others and weep for Him, that's when you truly know God.

-In Jesus' Name,


Sometimes I just feel so overwhelmed, you know? I feel lonely. I feel busy. I feel ugly, or fat, or stupid. "I can do all things through him who strengthens me." says Philipians 4:13. Basically, God is so great that I could jump off a cliff and soar through the air. I could teleport to Japan right now. I could start writing this blog post with nothing but my mind. That's a nearly unfathomable to me. Anything. ANYTHING. He is so powerful that I could do anything he chose to let me. So why should I have any worries? Think this through, and every problem that ever came across your path seems pitiful and like nothing. God is so awesome.

-In Jesus' Name,

Saturday, February 26, 2011


So my sis tried out for HSPVA's visual arts and then creative writing departments today... This was her second time, like her callbacks. She thinks they went really well, and she seemed really comfortable and good and stuff; hope it went well. They asked some questions, she filled out some stuff (I think?) and gave the papers they assigned to students with callbacks. I really hope it went well, so she can move back down to Texas... Wish her luck!

-In Jesus' Name,

Friday, February 25, 2011


Hello, Sera, hello!
Hello, Serastoff, hello!!
My sister (who's name is not actually Serastoff, it's just a pen name) is coming down from Portland to visit for a few days and go to stage two of creative writing and visual arts at HSPVA. Sooooo gonna be cool. We're going to go pick her up at the airport pretty soon. So anyways, she'll be down here through Sunday; I'm super happy because we got the anti-weed ground-cloth down and have filled in with stones over most of it in the dessert plant bed and the herb plant bed. We've also planted the Japanese Honeysuckle out of it's pot and into the ground and we've also put the stone slabs around it in a sort of half moon walkway dudad. See ya soon, Palo!!

-In Jesus' Name,


My stomach calls. It feels as though a hundred knives are digging out inside. My stomach shouts it's protests: "FOOD!!! Put me out of my misery!" I am so hungry. I need to find food... But I am writing a blog post. The thought of a pie or a hot dog or my favorite bean-cheese burrito is sickeningly good. I'm gonna go find some food now...

-In Jesus' Name,

Thursday, February 24, 2011


So I've been doing Poptropica for a while now, and it's pretty fun and entertaining. They come up with cute new ideas about once every month or month and a half. The latest one that is open to non-members is 'Cryptids'. Just finished that one. The only islands that are open that I haven't finished are 'Astro Knights' and 'Skullduggery'. I would have finished 'Astro Knights' but the computer I was playing on glitched out and hid a piece of the screen so I couldn't hit save... :( And that's a hard island. Miniclip is cool for like, quick games to do while watching T.V or just cause your bored. I tried to do Minecraft, but I think it was saying you have to pay money for it, so... I mean I could, but I don't really want to, you know? So, if somebody has a recommendation for a good gaming site, please share!

-In Jesus' Name,

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Human/Catnip Hybrid

I sometimes wonder if perhaps there is catnip in my blood... Wherever I go, cats sit on my lap, rub against me, vocalize a bunch and purr so loudly I wonder if the catnip in my blood makes me hear them louder. But maybe I just speak animal, because it is the same with dogs and birds and things of the sort. I'm not complaining, but it's just really odd. Maybe I should try it out on Kimodo Dragons or poisonous snakes... That might end badly, though; perhaps I won't try it with something that can spit deadly venom ten feet through the air. But anyways, what brought this on was that I'm at my cousins house and their cat Penny came up randomly and I just patted my lap and she hopped up and started rolling around on my lap and stretching and purring, like, full out. Maybe she's high on catnip, I thought. But then Caramel, the other cat, came up and rubbed all over me and meowedeled around and purred. Maybe the entire US's supply of catnip factories leaks the smell out and I've driven by one to many nip factories and my brain thinks I want to smell like that so it makes me put off the smell of nip and so cats love me. I've also driven by one to many dognip factories and birdnip factories and kimododragonnip factories... No, no, somehow that just sounds a little far fetched...

-In Jesus' name,
Jelly !


My book is beautiful. I see it sitting there, all of it's hundreds of pages beckoning; it's as though it knows I'm as weak as a bird drawn to shiny things in the way that I'm drawn to the hundreds of pages.
The pages are not simply pages, though. They are nearly endless portals to a world with suspense, excitement and sheer, undiluted joy.
Simply looking at the cover makes me wonder... What would it be like to live in this world of harmless fun and beauty? Of love and joy and darkness that is always beaten by goodness?
Life would be easy in there, wouldn't it? The darkness never seems quite as dark when you know that there's light somewhere at the end of the series.
Ah, to live in there, in a world that seems so complicated yet so perfect.

-In Jesus' Name,


Why did my tags turn to like Hebrew or something? And my title just did it, too!?!?!?!?Link!


So I started piano about two or three months ago, and it's really fun... I decided not to do the concert thing, though. So anyways, there's this song called 'Old Woman' and the lyrics are as follows: '(loudly, man says)Old woman, old woman, would you like to wash my shirts? (loudly, old woman answers) Speak a little louder, sir, I'm very hard of hearing! (quietly, man says) Old woman, old woman, would you like to marry me? (reeeaally loudly, old woman shouts) Laws a mercy, hallelujah, now I hear you clearly!!!!!' I just love this song... Although I haven't gotten to 'The Purple Cow' yet...

-In Jesus' name,
Jelly !

Monday, February 21, 2011


OMD RIGHT!?!?!?!?! IT'S COMING SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON. HP 7 PART 2 ON JULY 15TH REALLY SOOOOOON !!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU LIKE REALLY COMPLETELY AND LIKE SO TOTALLY PSYCHED?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I AAAAAAAAAM. I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU SHOULD BE IF YOU'RE NOT. REALLY. SHOULD. BE. Enough of that, it makes me tired just typing it (not really but sorts, you know?). But for HP 7 Part 2 (Harry Potter Seven Part 2 of the Epic Finale; these are not my words, but the words of the advertisers...)
I'm so psyched I could cry just TALKING about it, you know!?!?! :..O RIGHT?!?!?!?!? So anyways, on July fifteenth I'm going as Ginny Weasley!!!!!!! It's gonna be so cool. REALLY. SUPER. COOL. I've already died my hair orange (from it's original state of brown, ultra curly very thickness) and tested out flat ironing it. Luthien (http://i-amawriter.blogspot.com/) I need your Chi (if that's how you spell it). I took Naturtint's 8C Copper Blonde Permanent Hair Dye (got it at whole foods) and dyed my hair twice with it; the first time with the whole bottle and the second time with half a bottle. Then I flat ironed it with the InStyler Rotating Hot Iron hair straightener/curler and used Morrocanoil's Hydrating Styling Cream. I sound a bit like an advertisement, don't I.?. But my hair seriously looks like hers exactly. I <3 my hair!!!

-In Jesus' name,

The Few Fonts Of Blogger

So I was trying out the fonts they have, cause I wanted something interesting; they are all boring, common, unsurprising text fonts that do NOT under ANY circumstances or from ANYONE'S perspective make me want to type in them. Why name them font, ariel, courier, georgia, lucida grande, times, trebuchet, verdana, and webdings (webdings) when they all look so similar that theres no point calling them something different (excluding webdings). Just... why? I mean, they don't even look that different, most of them, anyway. And the text box doesn't even recognize it's own font names...Get some interesting fonts, Blogger!

In Jesus' name-
Jelly !