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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Human/Catnip Hybrid

I sometimes wonder if perhaps there is catnip in my blood... Wherever I go, cats sit on my lap, rub against me, vocalize a bunch and purr so loudly I wonder if the catnip in my blood makes me hear them louder. But maybe I just speak animal, because it is the same with dogs and birds and things of the sort. I'm not complaining, but it's just really odd. Maybe I should try it out on Kimodo Dragons or poisonous snakes... That might end badly, though; perhaps I won't try it with something that can spit deadly venom ten feet through the air. But anyways, what brought this on was that I'm at my cousins house and their cat Penny came up randomly and I just patted my lap and she hopped up and started rolling around on my lap and stretching and purring, like, full out. Maybe she's high on catnip, I thought. But then Caramel, the other cat, came up and rubbed all over me and meowedeled around and purred. Maybe the entire US's supply of catnip factories leaks the smell out and I've driven by one to many nip factories and my brain thinks I want to smell like that so it makes me put off the smell of nip and so cats love me. I've also driven by one to many dognip factories and birdnip factories and kimododragonnip factories... No, no, somehow that just sounds a little far fetched...

-In Jesus' name,
Jelly !

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