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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Small Childrens, How You Be Doin' That?!

HOW? Just the other day I saw a small group of childrens and they were like, running and screaming and throwing things and jumping and laughing and HOW? While they did this I sat on a chair dead tired because I'd been outside in the heat for like 20 minutes (if even, probably less) holding a camera in my hand. ENERGY-LESS. While these small children bounced off the walls ceaselessly. HOW DO YOU ACHIEVE THIS HIGH STATE OF ENERGY-NESS? HOOOOW? TELL ME. It's not that I dislike the way modern pre-teens and teens are - we can shop for hours while laden with 20 pounds of shopping bags while no 2 year-old could achieve such a feat - but I just wish I had as much energy as those little tikes. Well, maybe it's the naps. I suppose I'll have to try it sometime, but for now, this has been your average tired teenage Jelly, reporting for duty!

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